Orthodontic Therapy
This course is delivered by Orthodontic Team Training; the qualification is awarded by Dental Team Qualifications: denteamqual.com
Orthodontic Team Training has Investors in People accreditation and is a main apprenticeship provider. Dental Team Qualifications (DTQ) is an Ofqual recognized organization; the Ofqual Qualification number for the Diploma in Orthodontic Therapy is 603/7122/5.
The Orthodontic Team Training Diploma in Orthodontic Therapy course has been successfully running for over 15 years, originally awarded by the University of Warwick, but more recently by Dental Team Training (DTQ). Delivered by a very experienced team of clinician/educators, our programme has been researched as part of a PhD Thesis in Orthodontic education. As such, our programme is educationally evidence-based, with teaching continually evolving, based upon feedback from students, trainers and tutors.
Course teaching is delivered from the Leamington Spa Orthodontic Centre, housed within a six-storey Regency building in the heart of Leamington Spa and within a short walk from the railway station. Facilities have been developed specifically for teaching and include a fully equipped lecture suite seating up to thirty students, a camera/video link to one of our surgeries in the building, enabling hands-on style demonstrations of clinical procedures to the lecture theatre. Our clinical skills laboratory is also linked to the lecture theatre and surgery. Video-conferencing allows off site links to other facilities worldwide, with full internet access. Other facilities include eight fully equipped, computerised surgeries, full digital 3D cone beam, cephalometric and orthopantomograph radiography, digital scanning and clinical photography, an onsite orthodontic laboratory and technical support.